2:30 AM
Posted by
Daniel Kelly
BULLSHIT!!! There is no such thing as karma and this is why I think karma is a load of shit: People say, “Karma will get you,” or “Karma's a bitch, man.” Ok, so if when bad things happen to you, you’re saying it’s because I have done something in the past and now I’m paying for it? I don’t know how else to define it other then that, “You reap what you sow,” right?! Well I have a question then for those of you that think karma is real. I have a friend, let’s call her "Amy." Amy’s mom was a great lady and was loved by everyone that knew her. She was someone that always went church and raised her three girls to be perfect ladies. Now, when Amy was 14 years old, her mom died of cancer. Here is my question: if Amy’s mom died, that would be seen as something bad right? You know dying is not a good thing correct? Well, the thing I don’t really get is if you ask around, everyone that knew Amy’s mom would say nothing but great things about her and how she was the greatest woman ever. Then how does karma tie into that? You can’t say, “Well, it's not karma, in that case,” because when something bad happens to someone that is less extreme then cancer, something like, their car tire blows out and he was late for work. However, earlier that day didn’t help an old lady across the street, so is that karma coming back at him? Ok so how is karma getting back at Amy’s mom? My point is this: just drop the whole “karma” bullshit, because it is not real. Just say, “Life is a bitch” or, “Shit happens.” That is something that is true and is not using an escape goat to justify something bad happening to someone that did something negative in the past. Someone once said when asked, “Why do people have to die?” he said, “To make life worth living.” That is how I look at everything. Bad things happen to make you appreciate the good times, because if it wasn’t for the bad times how would you be able to tell you’re doing well? Life is a bitch, but everything that happens to you is a chance to make yourself better. Karma only works if you believe in it. If you stop believing in it, then it will never be a factor in your life. Don’t use karma as a way of not becoming that person you can be. Take the hits and grow as a human.
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