There is a lot you can learn about yourself when you're other haft is not with you. You can learn how much you truly love them, or how the things they do make you smile. But the thing I have learned is, how much of a better person I am with them next to me.
However, the thing that beats them all is, over this time apart I have become a better person just having her as my own. Now, she doesn't have to be next to me for me to act the way I should. She doesn't need to wonder what I am doing because I don't need to lie to her. I don't need to hide the things I do from her because she wants me to be happy and wants to do those things with me. She doesn’t care what I have done, and she doesn’t care about the people I have been with. My history is just something, something that is not what we are now, and is something to learn from and not hold in front of my face when I mess up.
She has shown me how it is to be loved, and by doing that, she has shown me how to love with no other desire but to hold that other person in my arms. She is the light I don't mind getting woken up by, her voice is the only noise I want to hear before the sun comes up. And her breath is the only thing I want to smell before we brush our teeth.
It is not how much we love each other that make what we have special, it is how easy it is to love each other that makes us special. Without her I was lost, without her I had no love, without her nothing mattered. But now I have something to reach for, something to work at and something I want.

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